So I take it everyone has heard about the shootings. Yeah shit is crazy. But what is even crazier then this guy who thinks he is the Joker and shot at a lot of people at a theater (isn't this setting the most notorious place of crime and/or deaths?! Abe Lincoln...) is the responses from people who are so upset about this. Yeah this IS crazy. Is this guy crazy, I don't care. I don't even know this dudes name. I could easily look it up, so easy I refuse too. He just graduated from graduate school and was working towards his PHD. People are shocked about this. HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN? Guess what, the more and more you stay in school and our fed certificates of merit (grades?) and told that you'll be the best one day and you keep going like Wow, I am so great and smart and one day every one will know me. Then you graduate and realize that no one knows you, never will unless you do something crazy. Talent is subjective, intelligence is frowned upon, violence is beguiled on the media. So now this motherfucker is known for sure. There is a few things that shock me and I'll hopefully address all the issues (bad, really bad. My teachers told me to never do THIS...aHH)
So first off. Yeah he had guns and illegal shit. I have illegal shit, you have illegal shit. Let's not get carried away and be like, WELL WE NEED TO BAN THAT ILLEGAL SHIT. It is not going to solve one thing and will just be worse. Sometimes I wonder if we can stop thinking about the present. I read so many comments to this that I feel like I have become dumber. People now want to start talking about gun control. IS gun control an issue in our country? I don't know. I've never been shot, ever held a loaded gun, or shot a gun. If we take away all the guns then the people who still have guns have just become super charged on darwinism. I am not for that. It would make these things even look bigger when they happened. I actually read a comment that said "EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE GUNS TO STOP THIS!" which is so backwards and perplexing that I had to think about it. If I had a gun what would I do in this situation. To be honest, I would probably shoot who ever was in front of me not running fast enough away from a guy wearing a full body suit of kevlar and with rifles and tear gas. A gun would not ever get me out of any situation and then we would just invent a new weapon to out do a gun. A death ray? Why not just take out any skill of killing a person and bam, thats what I need to have. I NEED IT SO BAD.
Second was then talks about mental health. "This guy is so crazy." Is he? What are the determining factors. Last I checked, violence is respected in battle. How would this be solved if we put more money into mental health facilities? It's not like we could hire a task force to observe society and see if we were actually crazy or not. I am bad with lines but how do we determine if someone is crazy or not? I thought we all just were a little crazy and when ACCIDENTS happen like THIS, it's like a glitch in the system. Yeah it's bad and is HOME GROWN TERRORISM but what isn't nowadays. There is no solution to shootings or inexplicable events. Just because they are hyped up by the media and everyone knows about them doesn't mean that if you get the right answer you could be on your next trip down billionaire lane. No one cares what you or I have to say because they are probably going to use this to push some bill banning super hero movies.
What I really don't get is why this man paid to go to a midnight showing and didn't even watch the damn movie? He left after twenty minutes. Was he mad about Wayne's secrecy or them not talking about the Joker. Who does that. If capping people is really primo numero on your objective list, do it after the movie like all the other rapists and kidnappers. Like a normal human being.
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