Sunday, July 29, 2012


By Sean Smyth

Abrams Tacks On Oscar Winning Writer For A Disaster. 

Deadline reports that  J.J Abrams (Mission Impossible 3 and Star Trek) has hired Oscar winning screenwriter, Dustin Lance Black (Milk and J. Edgar) to write an adaptation of the 1974 ensemble film classic Earthquake with Charleston Heston. Exciting no? 

Well you tell me... Abrams has become known for creating fantastic intimate story driven disaster films from producing Cloverfield to directing Super 8 and writing the screenplay for Armageddon. He even destroyed an entire planet in Stark Trek.  It's unclear to what extent Abrams will be involved with the Universal Studios project but one thing is for sure, this is not a reboot. 

Deadline explains that besides the title and the "trembling ground" there will be no other similarities between the two films. Which is good, because let's face it, reboots are getting old fast, so anyway to make an old story fresh is fine by me. 

Then throw in an Oscar winning Dustin Lance Black who is also known for intensely intimate character driven dramas? It sounds like this disaster film could be one of the few that actually make an interesting compelling story rather than a group or several groups of characters all just trying to survive. There could be more. There could be actual characters and not just caricatures or cliche's much like Day After Tomorrow, or 2012. 
I guess even writers have to be handsome in Hollywood these days... I'm screwed. 
The only thing I'd be worried about is that Black has had little, well zero, major action films under his repertoire. He is definitely a Dramatic writer. Hopefully Black won't be completely in the dark on the script and J.J can lend a helping hand in the disaster department while keeping a watchful eye on New Line's earthquake project San Andreas 3D, which is already in development, but I doubt it will be anywhere near as good as Bad Robot's (Abrams' production company) Earthquake

The script is a little while off as Black is working on an adaptation for Jon Krakauer novel Under The Banner of Heaven which will be directed by Ron Howard and 3 Story an adaptation of a Dark House graphic novel that he wants to direct himself. 

So there you have it. Are you excited to see a decent disaster film? Or are you just rolling your eyes at the thought of people running away from cracking sidewalks and crumbling buildings? Let's hear what you think. Comment below and thanks for reading.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Another Big Media Blitz for No-Nolan

So I take it everyone has heard about the shootings.  Yeah shit is crazy.  But what is even crazier then this guy who thinks he is the Joker and shot at a lot of people at a theater (isn't this setting the most notorious place of crime and/or deaths?!  Abe Lincoln...) is the responses from people who are so upset about this.  Yeah this IS crazy.  Is this guy crazy, I don't care.  I don't even know this dudes name.  I could easily look it up, so easy I refuse too.  He just graduated from graduate school and was working towards his PHD.  People are shocked about this.  HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?  Guess what,  the more and more you stay in school and our fed certificates of merit (grades?) and told that you'll be the best one day and you keep going like Wow, I am so great and smart and one day every one will know me.  Then you graduate and realize that no one knows you, never will unless you do something crazy.  Talent is subjective, intelligence is frowned upon, violence is beguiled on the media.  So now this motherfucker is known for sure.  There is a few things that shock me and I'll hopefully address all the issues (bad, really bad.  My teachers told me to never do THIS...aHH)

So first off.  Yeah he had guns and illegal shit.  I have illegal shit, you have illegal shit.  Let's not get carried away and be like, WELL WE NEED TO BAN THAT ILLEGAL SHIT.  It is not going to solve one thing and will just be worse.  Sometimes I wonder if we can stop thinking about the present.  I read so many comments to this that I feel like I have become dumber.  People now want to start talking about gun control.  IS gun control an issue in our country?  I don't know.  I've never been shot, ever held a loaded gun, or shot a gun.  If we take away all the guns then the people who still have guns have just become super charged on darwinism.  I am not for that.  It would make these things even look bigger when they happened.  I actually read a comment that said "EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE GUNS TO STOP THIS!" which is so backwards and perplexing that I had to think about it.  If I had a gun what would I do in this situation.  To be honest, I would probably shoot who ever was in front of me not running fast enough away from a guy wearing a full body suit of kevlar and with rifles and tear gas.  A gun would not ever get me out of any situation and then we would just invent a new weapon to out do a gun.  A death ray?  Why not just take out any skill of killing a person and bam, thats what I need to have.  I NEED IT SO BAD.

Second was then talks about mental health.  "This guy is so crazy."  Is he?  What are the determining factors.  Last I checked, violence is respected in battle.  How would this be solved if we put more money into mental health facilities?  It's not like we could hire a task force to observe society and see if we were actually crazy or not.  I am bad with lines but how do we determine if someone is crazy or not?  I thought we all just were a little crazy and when ACCIDENTS happen like THIS, it's like a glitch in the system.  Yeah it's bad and is HOME GROWN TERRORISM but what isn't nowadays.  There is no solution to shootings or inexplicable events.  Just because they are hyped up by the media and everyone knows about them doesn't mean that if you get the right answer you could be on your next trip down billionaire lane.  No one cares what you or I have to say because they are probably going to use this to push some bill banning super hero movies.

What I really don't get is why this man paid to go to a midnight showing and didn't even watch the damn movie?  He left after twenty minutes.  Was he mad about Wayne's secrecy or them not talking about the Joker.  Who does that.  If capping people is really primo numero on your objective list, do it after the movie like all the other rapists and kidnappers.  Like a normal human being.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


By Sean Smyth

Not So New Things Are Happening In Hollyweird.

For the sake of my limited time I'm going to condense the majority of the past couple of days worth of movie news into this single article. FYI, it's not much big news. I'm sure if I dug farther in I could have found something worth wild but there is just so much Emmy news that I couldn't find anything else.

Who snubbed who. Who did what. I like this, she did that. It 's kind of ridiculous. Just give us the nominations and your brief predictions and maybe a few select favorites and be done with it. Good god. 

Anyway back to movies. 

Sequels are all the rage these days. They will try and drain every last cent out of anything they can find in Hollywood no matter how stupid or dismal the film may seem. And with the wide spread of sequels in theaters now why not continue with the trend. 

First up we have some big Marvel news and announcements as Marvel has laid out its schedule for "Phase 2" (Every movie from Iron Man to Captain America, I think, and Avengers is Phase 1). The movies are as followed:
Iron Man 3
Thor: The Dark World
Captain America: The Winder Solider
and last but not least
Guardians Of The Galaxy.

Yeah, they have sub-titles. Which is how they should have done it with Iron Man, but they didn't think that far ahead I guess. What's Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man you ask? Well Ant-Man is a long gestated movie of one of the original Avengers, while Guardian's is apparently going to be the lead in for Avengers 2, that follows a more cosmic team up of characters from the Marvel Universe. I personally have never heard of the Guardians but trust me I will try and learn some and dedicate a full post to Marvel. 
There are also rumblings of a Black Panther Movie, but very little news is on that. Mostly just speculation. 

Another movie Marvel has coming up is the Fantastic Four Reboot that will be helmed by Josh Trank, the Director of Chronicle.  There is also very little news on this, other than the announcement, but expect more within the year, since I'm sure Fox is going to want a new franchise since Paramount is rocking like six or seven.  Trank was also speculated to be taking part in a Venom movie, that will link in with the current incarnation of Spider-Man, so we'll see where that takes us.

One last piece of Marvel news is that the plot details for Captain America are somewhat announced, though it doesn't take a genius to figure out the Winter Soldier, for those who don't know, that is Bucky Barns re-incarnation after his death. Bucky died kind of anti-climatically if you ask me in the first Captain America so it will be nice to see how that ties in with the sequel. 

The movie will deal heavily in the present as Captain tries to adjust to the new world he's been placed in, more than likely dealing heavily with Shield, and a new character that was widely speculated early on. Falcon. Falcon is an interesting character as he has a major piece of Captain's story in the comics as well as a link to Red Skull. His abilities are nil, but he makes up for it with great hand to hand combat much like Cap. He can also telepathically talk to birds and fly using some wings made up for him by Black Panther. So that kind of further inclines Black Panther being a possible character in the Phase 2 plan but only time will tell.
Onwards to something a little less heroic and a little more fantasy.
As some may know, there is a live action Sleeping Beauty film in the works called Maleficent, which stars Angelina Jolie as the evil queen. Well believe it or not Disney is green lighting the same Princess again much like they did with Snow White and The Huntsman and Mirror Mirror.

They will be doing the same thing. Trying to hit to different audiences with the same retelling of a Disney Classic. Maleficent, if you couldn't tell by the name, is the more serious of the two, while the unnamed green lit project from 21 Jumpstreet Producer, Neal Moritz, will be an even more modern take and spin it into a Rom-Com that involves Sleeping Beauty being a clingy girlfriend, as reported by The Hollywood Reporter. 
Personally I've never really cared for Sleeping Beauty. In fact I don't remember most of it, except for the prince fighting a Dragon towards the end, or was that Snow White... It's all the same... But anyway the movie is only in development where as Maleficent is well into production so maybe this gap will be better rather than stacking the movies so close together much like how Huntsman and Mirror Mirror did. 

Speaking of 21 Jumpstreet, guess what! It's been green lit for a sequel and will go into production later this year with Tatum and Hill back in the lead. Little news or plot is known so I won't even try and speculate other than, how are they going to make another movie based around cops in High School. Wasn't Agent Cody Banks and Underclassmen enough? 
Remember those movies? Ridiculous. The only difference between those and 21 Jumpstreet is it's R rating. 

In case you haven't noticed, Sequels is the main theme of this article. 

So I bet you know what I'm going to say next. We've all been waiting for it for years. That's right. The best movie made about fish is back. Finding Nemo 2! Apparently that fish is accustomed to getting lost.  There is no real details about the film, but expect familiar characters to return because it is a kids movie, even though we all kind of liked it and grew up on it. Andrew Stanton is back from the first, only his credit is wildly diminished in the Disneyland due to the flop John Carter which he also directed, but maybe his return to animation will be epic. 
Then their is just one final piece of news I have for you watering mouths. And it involves the most Kick-Ass movie out there because it is Kick-Ass 2: Balls to the Walls. Moviehole reports, Director Jeff Wadlow have announced, via casting calls, they are looking for a women, tall and fit ranging from 20's to 40's for the role of Mother Russia. Red Mists Body Guard in the comic. As of now there is no real front runners, obviously if they're are holding casting calls, but who ever fills that role will join Aaron Johnson, Christorpher Mintz-Plasse, and Chole Grace Mortez for some more gory ass super hero murdering. 
So there you have it. A whole bunch of stuff for ya'll to digest. Let me know what you think. Anything spark your interest? What are you going to skip? Comment below. As Always, Thanks For Reading.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


By Sean Smyth

Batman's Bane Named To Hurt Mitt Romney's Campaign. LOL!

So, in a crazy funny bit of old man ranting news, Deadline reports that the always ridiculous Rush Limbaugh claims that Warner Brothers' little movie, The Dark Knight Rises, from Christopher Nolan, named it's main villain Bane because Obama told them to. Yeah, that's classic.

The original made up plan for Romney. I think the second imaginary idea is more understandable. 
Lets just forget the fact that the character of Bane was first originated in 1993, and the fact that I doubt Obama knew he'd be duking it out with Romeny in 2012, unless he is somehow in touch with Marty McFly and his Delorean so he could go back in time and tell Nolan to plan a highly poplar trilogy around the Caped Crusader spanning from 2005 to 2012 and use Bane as the main villain in the final movie so when people think Batman they think of Bain Capital. Good God, it's hilarious but I'm sure if Rush said this on air, a lot of people would believe him. Pathetic. 

Anyway, for you non-political inclined people, such as myself, Bain Capital has been the talk of the town in recent months on the Obama side of the campaign because Romeny apparently worked or ran Bain Capital for some time. The company has been notoriously known for its outsourcing and bankruptcies following Romeny's departure from the company. Since then Romeny has attempted to distance himself from the floundering companies reputation. 

However recent documents have linked him to being involved with the company as late as 2002 even after claiming to have retired in 99. 

So for those who are following along here. Obama+Batman+Bane=Mitt Romney looking bad because of Bain Capital fiasco. 

Obviously this is absolutely, well dumb. It just goes to show you what kind of people we put on the air these days. This man is nothing more than a glorified dumbass who just talks out of his ass, but the sad thing is, people actually listen.  Rush needs to go back and check his math on this whole scenario, so maybe he'll look like less of a jackass. 
Is this a two or an eleven? 

What happened to real Journalism? Newsworthy material that is reported honestly and unbiased. Now all we have is mindless speculation and conspiracy theories from crack pot radio personalities who don't know his ass from his elbows. 

I'm in no way affiliated with either campaign and I don't ever plan to be. I mean, I'm not even registered to vote because I don't believe it will make a difference. Even thought they claim it does. And the people who say that if I don't vote I can't complain are complete idiots because I'm a card carrying American with his own opinion and my opinion is that our government is completely and utterly biased and corrupt and full of people all out for themselves. Why should I vote for that? 

Anyway back to the story. Rush thinks Nolan and Obama are teaming up on Romeny to make people think of Bain Capital during voting. I say... really? Really? Well I know which side you must be getting paid from. HA! 

Well what do you think? Ridiculous right? Let's hear what you have to say in the comments below. I would love to know your opinion Rush's stupidity. And as always thank you for reading.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


By Sean Smyth

Jack Black and company look to be giving it another go.

SCADOOSH! Variety reports that Dreamworks Animation is giving that nimble little panda another chance and finding his inner piece. 

Bill Damaschke, chief creative officer for the studio, confirmed the pics development at the Dreamworks Animation panel at Comic-Con this Thursday (July 12th). 

He also goes on to explain that they are have "ten movies in development and eight or nine of them are in pre-production or advanced stages of script development."

So what do you think. Should they be giving the panda another fight or just letting him chill and eat some delicious dumbing morsels? Comment with your two cents, and thanks for reading. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


By Sean Smyth

Writer behind MIB3 straps on his Proton Pack to give Ghostbusters 3 new life.

Etan Cohen, commonly confused with or believed to be related to the Cohen Brothers (he is not), has been hired on by Mr. Danny Aykroyd himself to re-write the floundering Ghostbusters 3 script, originally penned by The Office writers, Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky.

Cohen is no stranger to large scale re-writes and fixing dying scripts as he just recently "saved" MIB3 from certain development demise and was credited with writing the entire script. I quoted saved because I really don't think that movie was all that great. Except the end. It was a touching little moment for those who saw it. 

Anyway, " has to be perfect," says Aykroyd, referring to the statement Bill Murray said about the current script and his reasons for not wanting to do the film unless it's dead on amazing awesome firecrackers flying out of everyone's ass. Which I can say makes perfect sense. NO reason to push through another crappy sequel to a classic from the eighties. 

As reported by Variety, the film's basic premise will follow the original cast members, Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Ernie Hudson, and if he finally says yes this time, Bill Murray, as they pass on the Proton Packs to a younger more durable set of Ghostbusters. But who knows, that's really only speculation. 

Cohen may be what the film needs, despite me thinking MIB3 wasn't all that great, he still pumped out to cult classic gems, Tropic Thunder with Ben Stiller and Tom Cruise, and Idicocracy with Mike Judge and Luke Wilson. So here's to hoping. I won't hold my breath though. This things been on the back burner sense what, the second one?

So what do you think? Is Cohen the man for the job? Can he pull this franchise out of the dirt and breathe in new life? Let me know, and thanks for reading.


By Sean Smyth

Producers of original film working on punching some more alien's in the face.

In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Dean Devlin, producer of Independence Day confirmed that he and Roland Emmerich, the director of the same blockbuster, have been in a creative discussion with one another over the sequel to the classic Sci-Fi White House blowing up with giant death beam movie. 

"...Roland and I have been working together for the first time in eleven years and who're very excited about the idea," Devlin continues, "I feel we have a worthy concept; a worthy path to go." 

Devlin goes on to say that they have started talking with the entire original cast; Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum and Bill Pullman, in returning for this sequel.

I'm not exactly sure what it's going to be about, they really didn't leave the movie too open if I remember correctly. I mean, didn't all the space ships go boom? That being the case will the alien attack be on Independence Day again? How cheesy would that be? I would come up with another name to avoid this problem. I think Memorial Day might rock! 

In other news Devlin also discusses another one of his successes, Stargate.

"When we made the first one, we intended on doing parts two and three... Our hopes is that we get another chance at Stargate and tell the story we want to tell."

So there you have it. We may or may not be seeing these particular movies coming to fruition in the not to distance future, but are they necessary? Should they leave things the way they are? Can you think of any better titles instead of ID4-2? Comment now!!! 
Thanks For Reading.